Book Review of the Unseen Hand by A. Ralph Epperson

Soldier looking through a scope

Conspiratorial history suggests that historical events, such as wars from territorial disputes, depressions arising during market downturns, and inflation resulting from shortages driving prices up, are orchestrated occurrences. Revolutions are also seen as deliberate actions people take to overthrow governments. In contrast, the Accidental View of History posits that historical events happen by chance, and rulers often find themselves powerless. According to the Conspiratorial View of History, historical events unfold by design for reasons undisclosed to the general populace.


James Warburg explains the Accidental view in his book “The West in Crisis.” Consequently, history is portrayed as shaped by happenstance rather than deliberate intention, often influenced by the irrational actions of individuals. Another proponent of the Accidental View, providing insights into global events, is Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor. He has stated that history is predominantly a product of chaos rather than conspiracy. President Roosevelt said, “Nothing happens by accident in politics. If it happens, it was planned that way.”


In 1909, Walter Rathenau, the head of German General Electric, claimed that three hundred men, all acquainted with each other, dictated the economic fate of Europe, handpicking their successors from within their ranks. Joseph Kennedy, the father of President John Kennedy, suggested that about fifty men were in control of America, considering it a substantial number. Dr. Carroll Quigley, a history professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, who also taught at Princeton and Harvard, wrote a voluminous book titled “Tragedy and Hope” in 1966. It resulted from twenty years of research into what Dr. Quigley concluded was a conspiracy. 


There exists and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network that operates, to some extent, like the way the radical Right perceives the Communists to act. This network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, shows no reluctance to collaborate with the Communists or any other group, which it frequently does. I am aware of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was granted access to its papers and secret records for two years in the early 1960s.

Quigley acknowledges that he is a proponent of the conspiracy he has written about.


Benjamin Franklin expounded on the connection between money and power, stating that a love for power and money forms a binding link, exerting a potent and often destructive influence. Furthermore, power, in itself, possesses a corrupting effect on those who pursue it. Lord Acton’s frequently cited aphorism echoes this sentiment, explaining that power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Chapter 1: God or Government?

The British Socialist George Orwell authored two books, “Animal Farm” and “1984,” centered on absolute power. Norman Dodd, a conspiracy researcher and investigator, expounded on how the careers of specific individuals were carefully watched and recommended to ensure their alignment with the group’s objectives. Orwell wrote that the Party doesn’t wield absolute power in the hands of a few, but rather that the Party is primarily concerned with perpetuating itself, irrespective of who holds power, as the hierarchical structure remains constant. America’s Founding Fathers inscribed in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that their Creator endows them with certain unalienable Rights.”


The Founding Fathers were conscious of the distinction between the two options. William Penn wrote, “If God does not govern man, then tyrants must.” Despite the four references to God in the Declaration of Independence, some of America’s leaders advocate for God’s separation from government affairs. If this separation were enacted, Mr. Penn feared tyrants would rule the people.  


The Founding Fathers crafted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to curtail governmental power, preventing the infringement of the rights of the nation’s inhabitants. These regulations, such as those in the First Amendment Clause, prohibit the state from establishing laws favoring a particular religion. The Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, expression, assembly, and petition rights. The initial intent of the Amendment was to limit free speech for the common good. The Bill of Rights, comprising the first ten amendments to the Constitution, delineates the rights of Americans in their contract with the government. The Second Amendment emphasizes the necessity of a well-regulated militia for the security of a free state.  


2 Forms of Government

A democratic form of government (ruled by the majority) does not inherently safeguard the interests of the minority; instead, it tends to favor the strong. Is there a form of government that can protect the strong and the weak?

A theocracy is a system in which religious leaders govern on behalf of deities.

The Taliban Islamic Movement currently governs Afghanistan, aiming to unite the people under a common religious law. Saudi Arabia, a theocratic monarchy, is home to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina and has been under the rule of the House of Saud since 1932. In ancient Egypt, the nation was governed by a theocratic monarchy, with pharaohs holding a mandate from the gods and acting as their representatives.

Biblical Israel

Jewish priest-historians and military leaders employed the term theocracy in the first century AD to describe the Jewish government. Josephus argued that mankind had established various forms of rule, including monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy. The unique aspect of the Jewish government was that God reigned supreme, and His word was law. Whether or not God chooses to establish a theocratic government is beyond human control; it remains solely within God’s discretion.


Rule by Man  

An authoritative man or woman wielding power over a country represents an autocracy or a tyranny of the majority. The Greeks termed this form of government an ochlocracy, defined as mob rule.

In 1837, Abraham Lincoln wrote about lynchings and the growing disregard for the law prevalent in the country. He observed the inclination to substitute wild and fierce passions in place of the judicious judgment of courts and the use of savage mobs for the executive agents of justice. Mob violence enforced the White Supremacy agenda through planned political terrorism after the American Civil War.

The Ku Klux Klan incited extrajudicial attacks driven by the fear of losing White Power in America. The Daily Telegraph correspondent Hugh Greene reported on the events in Berlin.

Mob rule-governed Berlin through the afternoon and evening, with hordes of hooligans engaging in a rampage of destruction. Greene noted, “Racial hatred and hysteria seemed to overtake otherwise decent people. I saw elegantly dressed women clapping hands and shrieking joyfully while respectable middle-class mothers lifted their babies to witness the spectacle.”

Nesta Webster wrote in her book “Revolution,” emphasizing the aim to reduce injustice only to exploit the vulnerable.

Adolf Hitler orchestrated the terror by sending his party loyalists into the streets (the Pressure from Below) and then blaming the incumbent government (the Pressure from Above). Hitler convinced the German people that the current government could not halt the violence, leveraging this fear to pass repressive legislation. He portrayed himself as the savior who could control and stop the terror if given power. The people believed him, voting him into office. Once in power, the terror ended as promised.

British Professor Alexander Fraser Tyler wrote, “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can exist only until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess [liberal gifts] from the public treasury.” James Madison warned, “In all cases where a majority is united by common interest or passion, the rights of the minority are in danger.”

John Adams cautioned, “Unbridled passions produce effects whether in a King, Nobility, or mob. It is necessary to defend an individual against the majority [in a democracy] as against the King in a Monarchy.”

The 1928 United States Army Training Manual defined democracy as a government where authority is derived through mass meetings, leading to mob rule. It suggested that the attitude towards property is communistic, negating property rights, and the attitude towards law is that the majority’s will shall regulate, regardless of deliberation or consequence, resulting in demagoguery, license, agitation, discontent, and anarchy.

The procedure by which democratic or even republican forms of government can transition into a dictatorship was outlined in a 1957 book by Jan Kozak, a member of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Kozak’s book, “How Parliament Took a Revolutionary Part in the Transition to Socialism and the Role of the Popular Masses,” describes what has been referred to as the Pincers Movement, a method through which conspirators use Parliament (the Pressure from Above) and the mob (the Pressure from Below) to convert democracy into dictatorship.


3 Inflation     


The traditional definition of inflation is as follows: a rise in the general level of prices. Its causes are numerous. When consumers, businesses, and governments overspend on available goods and services, high demand can drive up costs. If the costs of production increase and producers attempt to maintain profits, prices must rise. Soviet economist Nikolai Dimitriyevich Kondratyev believed that natural capitalist economies follow long-term cycles of several decades of prosperity followed by several decades of a slump. Kondratyev’s cyclical theory manifested in Chile, which elected Marxist Salvador Allende into office in 1970. Under Allende’s Communist government, inflation rose by 652 percent annually. The 8Wholesale Price Index skyrocketed by an astounding 1,147 percent yearly, doubling wholesale prices monthly.

Economists believe that America’s lifestyle is a significant contributor to inflation. Economist Alfred E. Kahn, the new chief inflation fighter, states that every American desires economic improvement. According to Peter Emerson, a key aide to Alfred Kahn, the solution to the problem of inflation is essentially the reduction of every group’s share of the economic pie. The living standards of Americans must decline if inflation is to be controlled.

Despite the various causes of inflation, President Jimmy Carter firmly asserted that the government is never the cause of it. He called it a myth that the government itself could halt inflation. Congress typically attempts to resolve the issue by implementing wage and price controls on rising wages and prices, but these measures are often unsuccessful. Economist Murray N. Rothbard, a free market proponent, has noted that governments have historically attempted to curb inflation by enforcing wage and price controls. Still, none of these schemes have proven effective. In his book “The Economic Consequences of the Peace,” John Maynard Keynes detailed this process, with Lenin, the Russian Communist, supposedly declaring that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debase the currency.

By perpetuating inflation, governments can discreetly confiscate a significant portion of their citizens’ wealth without detection. In this manner, they arbitrarily seize and appropriate wealth, impoverishing many and enriching a select few. There is no subtler or surer means of overturning the existing social order than debasing the currency. This process unleashes all the hidden forces of economic law for destruction in a way that only one in a million can comprehend. Keynes’s book includes a quote suggesting that, according to Lenin, the motive for inflation was to destroy capitalism. Lenin recognized that inflation had the power to dismantle the free market and that the government was the only entity capable of causing inflation lawfully. John Kenneth educated readers that inflation leads to income redistribution; it takes from the elderly, the unorganized, and the poor and redistributes to the rich. Inflation serves a purpose. It is not an accident; instead, it is a tool wielded by those with specific intentions:

1To dismantle the free enterprise system and To transfer wealth from the poor and the middle class to the rich.


4 Secret Societies   


In his writings, British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1874-1880) established the control wielded by secret societies in human affairs.

“There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention in this House,” he stated, referring to the secret societies. The Order of the Illuminati was one such organization. The 1953 Report of the California Senate Investigating Committee on Education declared that modern Communism is a worldly conspiracy to destroy Western civilization, allegedly founded by the Illuminati. The organization was said to have been active in the colonies before the adoption of the Constitution. Adam Weishaupt established the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, as a Jesuit Priest and Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany. Some evidence suggests that Professor Weishaupt had associations with other secret societies before founding the Illuminati. Communists celebrate May 1 as May Day because it marks the beginning of the Russian Revolution of 1905, coinciding with the founding date of the Illuminati.

Former President John Adams wrote to his successor, Thomas Jefferson, “I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who deserved eternal damnation on earth, it is this Society.” Jefferson replied, “I disapprove of the restoration of the Jesuits, for it means a step backward from light into darkness.” The Jesuits continue to present challenges to the Church as they did during the 1700s.

On February 28, 1982, Pope Paul II instructed the Jesuits to refrain from involvement in politics and to uphold Roman Catholic tradition. An article in the U.S. News and World Report alleged that the Jesuits had interfered in the affairs of certain nations. The publication claimed that Jesuits had played leading roles in the Nicaraguan Sandinista revolution. Some Jesuits had even joined Communist parties. One priest in El Salvador professed that his order was working for the advancement of Marxism, not for God. The article further alleged that Jesuits had joined left-wing rebel movements in Central America and the Philippines and had sought to meld Marxism with Roman Catholicism in liberation theology.

Weishaupt acknowledged that he had essentially founded a new religion by establishing the Illuminati. He expressed, “I never thought I would become the founder of a new religion.” Weishaupt was not an anarchist, but he did advocate for a world government to supplant national states to be governed by members of the Illuminati. Danton famously translated “Audacity, audacity, always audacity!” into French. The Illuminati fled to America and established their first chapter in Virginia in 1786, followed by fourteen others in different cities. They formed the “Calb-Italian Society” and found followers during the American Revolution, dubbing themselves the Jacobins.



Nesta Webster explained that the Jacobins devised a plan to attack the Bastille prison, yet it merely catalyzed to incite the people. Though the attack was planned to storm the Bastille and seize weapons to fuel a revolution, when the mob finally arrived at the Bastille of King Louis XVI, they found only seven prisoners held there: four forgers, two lunatics, and the Comte de Solages, imprisoned at the behest of his family for heinous crimes against humanity. Out of the 800,000 residents of Paris, only about 1,000 individuals participated in the siege of the Bastille. Those orchestrating the entire event remunerated those involved in the prison storming. Authorities, too numerous to mention at length, have confirmed that brigands from the South of France were deliberately lured to Paris in 1789 and were employed and paid by the revolutionary leaders. The further fact that the conspirators deemed such a measure necessary is of immense significance, as it illustrates that, in their view, the people of Paris were unreliable in carrying out a revolution. In other words, importing a contingent of hired brigands definitively disproves the theory that the Revolution was an unstoppable uprising of the people. In the decades leading up to 1789, the growth of the Masonic Brotherhood was evident. Freemasonry had entered France in 1725, but by 1772, the organization had split into two groups, one of which became known as the Grand Orient Lodge of Freemasonry.” “The First Grand Master, akin to the president of the Lodge, was Ducd Orleans, who was also a member of the Illuminati. The Grand Orient Lodge expanded throughout France, with 600 lodges by 1789 and 104 in 1772. Members of the Grand Orient played active roles in the government, with 447 out of the 605 members of France’s Estates General being part of the Lodge. The French Revolution was the first to use the religion of reason as the basis for establishing a new societal order. In November 1793, an assembly was held in the Cathedral of Notre Dame to worship the Goddess of Reason, personified by an actress placed naked on the altar by government decree. The French Revolution aimed to substitute God with the Goddess of Reason. Despite assertions by a series of articles on the Revolution, claiming that the French Revolution was not planned and instigated by conspirators but resulted from a spontaneous uprising by the masses of the French people, Life Magazine takes this position for reasons other than historical ignorance.”


5 The American Revolution     




“The American Revolution traces its origins back to June 24, 1717, when four masonic lodges unified in London, England, forming the Grand Lodge of London. Freemasonry evolved into a quasi-religious institution, spreading its new moral principles to France in 1725 and, a few years later, to the United States in the early 1730s, where Freemason lodges were established in Philadelphia in 1731 and Boston in 1733. Notable members of the Philadelphia Lodge included Benjamin Franklin, who joined in 1732. Other early members of the Masonic community in America were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Paul Revere, Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall, James Madison, and Ethan Allen. All these American patriots played significant roles in the American Revolution.”

“Benjamin Franklin’s membership in the Masons was valuable, providing him access to critical audiences among fellow Masons throughout Europe. He leveraged these connections to garner support for the American Revolution from various European nations led by fellow Masons. Franklin comprehended the actual cause of the American Revolution. When asked in London about the prosperity of the American colonies, he simply stated that it was due to the issuance of their own money, known as Colonial Script, printed in the appropriate proportion to facilitate trade and commerce. In essence, the colonies didn’t use their power to create money and cause inflation, leading to the prosperity of the American nation.

However, this situation changed in the 1760s when the Bank of England introduced a bill in Parliament prohibiting any colony from issuing its script. Instead, the colonies were required to issue bonds and sell them to the bank, which would then lend them the money they needed, subjecting them to pay interest for using their own money. Consequently, unemployment surged as the Bank of England permitted the colonies to borrow only half the amount previously in circulation. Franklin and other colonial leaders recognized that the root cause of the colonies’ unrest and dissatisfaction was not merely the tiny tax on tea and other goods but England’s deprivation of the colonies’ ability to manage an honest colonial money system.

Franklin emphasized that King George III’s refusal to permit the colonies to operate an independent colonial monetary system, freeing the common man from the grasp of money manipulators, likely triggered the Revolution. He acknowledged that the colonies’ resistance to borrowing money, leading to debt, inflation, and interest payments, was the actual cause of the Revolution, rather than merely taxation without representation, as commonly believed. In January of 1774, Benjamin Franklin journeyed to France to procure arms for the American colonies, a transaction facilitated with the understanding and support of French Foreign Minister Vergennes, a fellow Mason. Catherine the Great of Russia declined King George III’s request to dispatch 20,000 Russian Cossacks to quell the rebellion in the colonies. Without a central bank, Russia assisted the United States by refusing to send troops against the defeated colonies.”


Washington selected fellow Masons as his general staff because he recognized that his adversary was also a Mason, making it challenging for non-Mason generals to lead their troops in battle effectively. With the widespread support of the Masons, Washington and the American people bore the costs of the war against the British in 1775. The Continental Congress resolved to issue paper currency (Fiat Money) to finance the war without borrowing from any banking establishment. This money was printed to serve as a means of paying the government and safeguarding the American people. Consequently, it did not entail any provision for paying interest to a group of bankers who had generated money from nothing.

Most independent state legislatures passed laws mandating citizens to accept the Continental currency as legal tender to demonstrate good faith and acknowledge the central government’s efforts in saving the American people millions of dollars in interest payments. However, by the end of 1776, the Continental, as it was called, was worth only forty cents on the dollar when exchanged for silver coin.”


However, the federal printing process continued printing these dollars, so by 1776, there were $241.6 million Continentals in circulation. The merchants of America were accepting these dollars at a rate of 2.5 cents on the dollar and for less than half a penny just two years later. Inflation had taken its toll on the value of the currency. It had become nearly worthless, a rugged metal when measured against actual money. The lowest trading price of the Continental happened at the end of the war when it took 500 paper dollars in exchange for one silver dollar. The American people coined the phrase not worth a Continental Inflation, ” which had taken place once again in line with economic law that works in every case where the quantity of money unbacked by gold or silver increased rapidly.


“There was a divergence of opinion among American Patriots regarding establishing a central bank. Thomas Jefferson opposed the creation of any bank, while Alexander Hamilton supported it. Jefferson justified his stance by stating, ‘If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will eventually deprive the people of their property. This will result in their children being left homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.’ On the other hand, Hamilton advocated for establishing the Bank of the United States, a private institution managed by stakeholders who enjoy special access to public funds. This bank would possess the legal authority to generate money out of nothing and lend it to the government at an interest. Jefferson countered with his contention that when empowered to manipulate the quantity of money through inflation and deflation, banking establishments inevitably contribute to a prolonged series of oppressions of the people.”   


“He wrote, ‘Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day, but repeated acts, unalterably present through every change of ministry, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.’ Jefferson perceived a conspiracy taking shape in the United States, orchestrated by a group known as the Jacobins, which was a creation of the French branch of the Illuminati. In today’s dictionary, the Jacobins are defined as a society of radical democrats in France during the Revolution of 1789 and, by extension, a group plotting against an existing government.

The war with England proved costly, significantly increasing the United States’ debt from $45 million to $127 million. Some Americans interpreted this as the machinations of a conspiracy. One such belief was expressed in Harvard Joseph Willard’s notable speech on July 4, 1812, where he stated that there was sufficient evidence that several societies of the Illuminati had been established in this land. He further asserted that these societies were undoubtedly working in secrecy to undermine all our ancient institutions, both civil and sacred. These domestic groups were in league with those of the same European order to undermine all order and seek the nation’s ruin. He warned that a prevailing atmosphere of infidelity would inevitably lead to the downfall of our hard-earned independence and the dissolution of our republican government.” 


“The American people did not heed his warnings, and the conspiracy continued its insidious work in the United States. The nation had to find a way to finance the costs of the War of 1812. The re-chartering of the national bank continued, leading to the establishment of the Second Bank of the United States in 1816 with a twenty-year charter, granting the bank the ability to loan the government $60 million. This money, created by the bank from nothing, was allocated through bonds and lent to the federal government.

In 1816, Thomas Jefferson attempted to caution the American people again, this time in a letter to John Taylor. He wrote, ‘Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. They have already established a money aristocracy that disregards the government. The power of issuing currency should be taken from the banks and restored to the government to whom it properly belongs.’

The inflationary policies of the Second Bank of the United States in the years following 1812 led to the indiscriminate proliferation of banks throughout Kentucky, Tennessee, and other Western States. However, as the depression of 1819 hit, the central bank reversed its policy and began to contract. By the end of 1834, the war debt had been repaid. The constitutionality of the actions of the owners of the Second Bank was affirmed in 1819 by Supreme Court Justice John Marshall, who was also a member of the Masons. He ruled that Congress had the authority to establish the Bank of the United States.”


As Andrew Jackson was leaving the presidency, he warned the American people again in his Farewell Address. He emphasized, “The Constitution of the United States unquestionably intended to secure to the people a circulating medium of gold and silver. However, the establishment of a national bank by Congress with the privilege of issuing paper money receivable to pay public dues drove the constitutional currency from general circulation. It substituted one of the papers in its place.”


Jackson and the American people successfully deterred the bankers from attempting to re-chart the United States Bank. John Tyler vetoed two bills in 1841 to revive the Second Bank of the United States. Consequently, the Bank’s charter expired in 1836, and for the next 24 years, until the Civil War began in 1861, the United States operated without a central bank. They had thwarted any attempts to entangle the United States in the web of a permanent banking establishment.


6 World War 11    



The Second World War began when Adolf Hitler joined a secret society called the Thule Society in 1919. This German occult society was founded in Munich in 1918 by Adam Glauer (1875-1945), who styled himself Rudolf Freiherr Von Sebottendorf. It was an anti-Semitic society that initially functioned as a German study group led by Walter Neuhaus, a wounded World War I veteran who later became an art student from Berlin and a keeper of pedigrees for the Germanenorden (or Order of Teutons). The Thule Society focused on the origins of the Aryan race. Those wishing to join the Germanic order promoted by the Thule Society in 1918 had to sign a special blood declaration of faith about their lineage. By signing, individuals pledged that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, neither they nor their spouses had any Jewish or colored blood and that none of their ancestors were members of the colored races. The Society was not a working man’s club; its members included judges, police chiefs, barristers, lawyers, university professors, lecturers, aristocrats, families, surgeons, and industrialists. The membership of the Thule Society became the foundation of the Nazi Party.


It was not the Thule Society that provided Hitler with the support he needed to become the head of the German government. An account of his rise to power was presented by Walter Langer, a psychoanalyst who wrote the book “The Mind of Adolf Hitler.” Langer put forward the theory that Hitler was one-quarter Jewish and the grandson of Rothschild. He observed a considerable amount of confusion while studying the Hitler family tree. Adolf’s father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Ann Schicklgruber. There was a general belief that Alois’s father was not officially recognized, and he used his mother’s name until the age of forty when he changed it to Hitler. Some individuals, such as Thyssen and Koehler, questioned whether Johann Georg Hiedler was Alois’s father. According to their claims, the Chancellor of Austria ordered an investigation into the Hitler family. A secret document was prepared proving Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna when she became pregnant. During that time, she worked as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild.


When the family discovered her pregnancy, she returned to her home in Spital, where Alois was born. In a postscript in Langer’s book, Robert G. L. Waite added the following comment: “But even when Langer is mistaken, and his guesses prove incorrect, he is often on the right track.” There might be evidence suggesting that Hitler’s grandfather could have been Jewish. Hitler had concerns that he would be blackmailed over his Jewish grandfather and instructed his private lawyer, Hans Frank, to investigate his lineage.  


Frank did so and told the Fuehrer that his grandmother became pregnant while working as a domestic servant in a Jewish household in Graz. The facts of the matter are in dispute and a dispute it has been. The point of overriding psychological and historical importance is not whether it is true that Hitler had a Jewish grandfather. He did believe so, and the fact shaped both his personality and public policy. It is possible that Hitler discovered his Jewish ancestry and his relation to the Rothschilds. There is no evidence that Hitler was related to the Rothschilds.


The renaming of the German Workers Party (DAP) to the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) aimed to encompass both left-wing and right-wing ideas, with “socialism” and “Workers” appealing to the Left and “German” and “National” appealing to the Right. The Nazi Party originated from political groups with a nationalist stance that emerged in the final years of World War I. In 1918, a league known as the Free Workers Committee for an Excellent Peace was established in Bremen, Germany, on 7th March 1918. Anton Drexler, a German nationalist, formed a branch of this league in Munich in March 1918.

During World War I, Drexler joined the German Fatherland Party in the war’s later period, arising from the Stab-in-the-back myth and the vilification of established politicians as the November Criminals. Hitler expressed his intentions in early 1919: “Rational anti-Semitism must lead to systematic legal opposition. Its final objective must be the removal of the Jews altogether.” In Mein Kampf, Hitler described the Jew as the destroyer of culture, a parasite within the nation, and a menace. Hitler’s ideas about the elimination of the Jews are well-documented for anyone who cared to conduct research. Hitler himself wrote, “I have the right to exterminate millions of individuals of inferior races, which multiply like vermin. Nazism is a political ideology that had roots in the nineteenth-century German racialist [Volkisch] movement arising out of Germany’s defeat in World War 1. It was a counter-revolutionary movement based on fascism.     


Japan’s surprise strike on Pearl Harbor had roots dating back more than four decades. As Japan industrialized in the late 19th century, it sought to emulate the United States, which had established colonies in Asia and the Pacific to secure resources and markets for its goods. The conflict between the United States and Japan arose from their competing interests in Chinese markets and Asian natural resources.

In 1931, Japan took its first step toward building an empire in East Asia by invading Manchuria in northern China and installing a puppet government. The tensions between the United States and Japan may have been fueled by their conflicting interests in Chinese markets and Asian resources. According to historian Charles C. Tansill, there is a possibility that President Roosevelt knew about the planned war with Japan even before 1933. Tansill suggests that the pressure policy on Japan began as early as 1915, predating Secretary of War Henry Stimson’s actions under Woodrow Wilson. In January 1915, dispatches critical of Japan were sent to the Department of State, contributing to an anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States that could have paved the way for war with Japan.


On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. As the war commenced, Russia entered Poland on September 16, 1939, leading to the division of Poland between Germany and Russia. In response, the allied nations—Poland, Britain, and France—declared war on Germany. Russia annexed eastern regions of Poland (known as the Kresy), while Prussia held western Poland.

Sir William Seeds, a British ambassador to Moscow, expressed his reservations about war with the Soviet Union in a secret telegram on September 18, 1939. He questioned the advantages of such a conflict and emphasized that Britain’s war aims were not incompatible with a reasonable settlement in Poland based on ethnographic and cultural lines.

The Soviet Union, having withdrawn from international affairs in the 1920s and early 1930s, reentered the diplomatic scene. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was signed on August 23, 1939, allowing Hitler to attack Poland without interference from the Soviet Union.

The causes of World War II included the League of Nations’ decisions involving peace treaties with defeated states and Germany’s economic challenges. Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic from 1921 to 1923 resulted from the Treaty of Versailles imposing a massive debt on Germany, payable in gold or foreign currency. The economic turmoil led to a cycle of falling currency value, rising prices, and increased monetary velocity.

Heinrich Brüning, a political scientist and Christian Social activist, became Chancellor of Germany in 1930. The Young Plan imposed additional reparations on Germany, contributing to economic challenges. Charles G., a Chicago banker in Germany, abolished the Dawes Plan’s transfer protection.


The Young Plan, which had reduced Germany’s obligations, faced opposition from various segments of the political spectrum. Nationalist Parties, mainly against reparations, made the Young Plan a focal point of their opposition. A committee influenced by Alfred Hugenberg, a media baron and leader of the German National People’s Party, collaborated with the Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler. The committee aimed to pass the Law Against the Enslavement of the German People, also known as the Freedom Law, which sought to reject all reparations obligations and repudiate the Treaty of Versailles. The referendum failed as it required 50% of the vote, and the Reichstag approved the Young Plan on March 12, 1930.   

By the early 1930s, many young soldiers in the Japanese army came from rural areas where the depression had disastrous effects and poverty was common. Their devotion to the military aimed to expand Japanese territory to attain economic security. Although the depression ended in the mid-1930s in Japan due to government deficits used for domestic development and military buildup, the political structure of Japan was inherited from the Meiji era, dominated by the military.

During the Meiji period, the government was controlled by a group of elder statesmen who had overthrown the Shogun and established the centralized Japanese state. 1931, the Manchurian incident occurred, and Japan gained control of Manchuria. By 1937, Japan was at war with China, and when General Hideki Tojo became Prime Minister, the war against the United States began in 1941. Admiral Kimmel retired on January 7, 1942, and after the war, Congress investigated the reasons for the lack of preparation at Pearl Harbor.

  • 1 The attack was unprovoked by America.
  • 2 There was no evidence that the President, Secretary of State, or Secretary of War provoked the attack.
  • 3 The American government made every effort to avoid war with Japan.
  • 4 The attack was caused by the Army and Navy’s failure to detect it.
  • The errors made were errors of judgment and not derelictions of duty.

Admiral Robert Thobold, the Commander of all destroyers at Pearl Harbor, wrote a book entitled “The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor,” detailing his conclusions about the surprise attack. He argued that President Roosevelt forced Japan into war and enticed them to initiate hostilities by holding the Pacific Fleet in Hawaiian waters as an invitation to that attack.

  • 1 The plans to use Pearl Harbor as bait started in June 1940.
  • 2  War with Japan meant war with Germany. Roosevelt, Marshall, and Stark knew about Pearl Harbor 21 hours before the attack.

Despite evidence suggesting that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was known by Roosevelt and his top advisors well in advance, there are differing opinions, with some claiming that the government and Roosevelt knew nothing about it. Walter Scott, in his question and answer series called “Personality Parade” in Parade Magazine, responded to the question “Is it true that Franklin D. Roosevelt knew that Japan would attack Pearl Harbor in World War II?” with “Not true.” Consequently, America fought a two-front war against Japan in the Pacific and against Germany in Europe.  Just Planned?   



7 Cooperation with Conspiratorial Research

Because this is about education, informed people must continue to educate themselves, being convinced of the correctness of their position and being willing to do all within their moral power to let other people know of the danger this Conspiracy presents to the rights and freedoms of all free people.

Two groups know that an international conspiracy exists: members of the Conspiracy and those trying to expose the Conspiracy. J. Edgar Hoover, the late director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has been quoted as saying, “The best yardstick of the effectiveness of the fight against Communism is the fury of the smear attacks against the fighter.” The most significant test of the efficacy of the most robust exposure of the Conspiracy is that this group has survived the most terrific onslaught of smear tactics in the history of the Conspiracy.

The charges that the John Birch Society was anti-Semitic, pro-communist, crazy, secret, hysterical, or connected with the Ku Klux Klan were proven false. The Society was founded in 1958 by Robert Welch, who observed a Conspiracy active in the major affairs of the United States and the World.

Mr. Welch was born in Chowan County, North Carolina, in 1899. He graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1916 and attended the U.S. Naval Academy and Harvard Law School. He was an officer of a large company manufacturing candy from 1956 and was active in the campaign to elect Robert Taft as President in 1952. Books written by Mr. Welch include “Life of John Birch,” “The Blue Book of the John Birch Society,” “The Politician,” “The New Americanism,” and “Romans of Education.”

The subcommittee issued its report in 1963. This is what concludes the Society. The John Birch Society is a proper anti-Communist fundament organization. We have not found the Society a secret or a Fascist organization. Nor have we seen the great majority of its members as mentally unstable crackpots or hysterics about Communist subversion. We believe that the John Birch Society has attracted influential people because it is the only organization through which they could join a national movement to learn the truth about the Communist menace and then take some positive concerted action to prevent its spread.

Our investigation and study, requested by the Society, which has been publicly charged with being a secret Fascist subversive Un-American anti-Semitic organization, have not found any of the accusations to be supported by evidence. We have not found accusations to be supported by evidence.

The Society has stated its position quite clearly. The John Birch Society holds that the freedoms, prosperity, moral character, and very existence of the United States are threatened by a Conspiracy whose insiders include men with the power of decision not only in government but also in Big Business. They feared that conspiracy was a machination of evil people inside the American government, as Cicero felt about the Roman government. Cicero said, “You [The Roman Senate] have encouraged treason and have opened the gates to free the traitors. It cannot survive treason from within.” The Birch Society helped expose the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group.




Ralph Epperson is a historian, author, and lecturer researching history. He graduated from the University of Arizona—the Unseen Hand: a Conspiratorial View of History.


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